Age Calculator
Calculate your age in years, months, days, and seconds, while discovering your zodiac sign, Chinese zodiac, and personalized horoscope.
Calculation result
About Age Calculator
The Age Calculator is a professional and user-friendly tool designed to provide an accurate breakdown of your age in multiple formats.
From calculating the exact time you've lived to uncovering your zodiac sign, Chinese zodiac, and the countdown to your next birthday, this tool delivers precise and insightful results effortlessly.
Detailed Age Breakdown
Years, months, days: View your age in the traditional way.
Months and days: Discover how many months you have lived in total and the remaining days.
Weeks and days: View your age calculated in weeks, including additional days.
Total days: Accurately calculate the total number of days since your birth.
Hours, minutes, and seconds: Explore more detailed age details, including hours, minutes, and seconds.
Birthday countdown: Quickly see how many days are left until your next birthday.
Chinese zodiac lookup: Quickly calculate your zodiac sign based on your birth year.
Zodiac sign lookup: Precisely match your zodiac sign based on your birth date.